More support for the grain free lifestyle.

I read this article that talked about this book, Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and Disease. by Gary Taubes.
This is not another diet book! This is a book that contains extensive evidence showing that carbs, especially of the refined type, are literally killing our society. Just another step forward in my journey to eliminate grains from my diet. I whole-heartedly support the theories that are out there regarding grains as a detriment to our bodies. I'm living proof that grains wreak havoc on our insides. This book however, talks beyond the intestines and goes even further, talking about heart disease and obesity and so much more. If you're curious, go to and check out some of the reviews. I plan on picking up this book asap and giving it a read. I will definitely tell you what I think of it when I'm done reading it. I still highly recommend Going Against the Grain as well. I know a lot of people out there will think that eliminating grains is crazy, I used to be one of those people, but I'm a believer now more than ever.
Have you read "Dangerous Grains?" It sounds like it's along the same line. I have a copy if you want to give it a read.
Anyone with IBD should read this book.
Art D.