Day 2

Central Savings by Richard Estes, 1975
I saw this painting at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri when I went out there in April to visit with Gigi and Berni. This was one of my favorite pieces in the museum that day. I love how he has made oil on canvas look so much like a real photo and the fact that it depicts a reflection on a window.. it's just amazing to me. I love this painting. This is a piece I would buy for my own home. I don't often think of buying artwork for my home but this is one that I definitely would. It's funny someone so creative doesn't think about artwork for her own walls. Lack of funding is really the issue there.
Anyway, it's day two and I'm proud to day that I logged everything I ate yesterday. I also went way over (2,588) but I logged it all anyway and I did have an hour and a half of kickboxing so I know I burned roughly 5 or 600 calories or probably more. That equals a net total of 2,000 or less which is satisfactory. I didn't plan on taking my exercise calories burned into consideration but since it was only day one I'll let it slide. Actually, the range I had set for myself at 1600-2000 was supposed to mean that on the days I work out I could eat up to 2,000 and on the days I didn't I should stick to 1600. Well, you get the idea. It was a good first day all things considered. Today will be better. And it's almost 10am! I love days that move quickly. Thursdays are great because I get to go home and do absolutely nothing if that's what I want to do. I should go to the gym and I might but the key here is that I don't HAVE to. Going from 7am-10pm Monday thru Wednesdays really wears you out!
Have a lovely Thursday everyone!