Along with a new gluten-free lifestyle comes many new and different food options. I've noticed recently that my tastes have changed and things that I would never eat in the past, I now enjoy. For example, I have a new found love for black beans and actually bought a can to make at home! That's just insane, what's next, peas??? Or maybe, perhaps, bananas. I have hated bananas every day of my life. I don't care how nutritious they are. The taste and smell just makes my stomach tie up in knots. Well it used to anyway, I haven't actually gotten close to a banana in some time. Lately I've been thinking that hey, maybe I should give them another shot. Perhaps it's the cramps in my feet screaming "You need more potassium in your diet! Try a banana for crying out loud!" More each day I think I might be adventurous enough to try one. I was watching Good Eats the other day and Alton Brown was talking all about bananas and I just wanted one! They looks so delicious but I just don't know if I can handle the taste. I wouldn't even eat my mom's famous banana bread growing up.
I have to make a trip to Whole Foods today to get some more of that Honey Oat bread I love so much and I'm thinking I might just grab a banana. I'm willing to give it a shot. Who knows, maybe I'll love it? I also might spit it right back out, but you never know until you try so I'm gonna go for it. Wish me luck...