Fun Weekends

Saturday night I went to a party with all of my friends from my kickboxing class. This is us singing happy birthday to Neli. That's me holding my Redbridge. I look so bloated! Yuck. I really need to start paying attention to how much I'm eating. I am not sure how much of it is water retention/weight gain from the meds I'm on. I also really need to get back to the gym! The next session of kickboxing doesn't start up until next Wednesday.
Saturday I volunteered at the Special Olympics and that was a really good time. I helped out in the carnival area where the participants could go between events. I worked with a family who's son draws comic book characters and they had temporary tattoos of some of the characters, so I applied temporary tattoos all day. It was a lot of fun.
Yesterday I went to the 'rents house to celebrate Father's Day with his side of the family. All in all it was a really nice weekend. Now here we are, back at Monday!