Ch ch ch ch changes....
First let me just throw another shout out to Enjoy Life Foods. I typically don't like trail mix that much, but this stuff is awesome! I got a couple of complimentary samples of the NOT NUTS Seed and Fruit Mix - Mountain Mambo and Beach Bash. I love them both! Yesterday I really wanted something sweet in the afternoon and was extremely tempted to get a candy bar from the vending machine. But then I remembered that I had this bag in my desk and I had some of this instead, it was the perfect afternoon snack! A little bit salty from the sunflower seeds and sweet from the dried fruit (sulfite free!).
Now, on to the more important matters, what's going on around here? I have been absent from the blog world again recently and it's not for lack of desire to write. I've been through quite a roller coaster this year and the past couple of weeks were particularly difficult with the loss of one of my cousins and another one was in a severe car accident and has been in the ICU for a week. The good news is, he's making great progress and hopefully will be out of the ICU very soon. As for me, I'm doing fine, it's just been a rough road.
On the other hand it's been one of the best years of my life! I don't know how I would've made it through all of this stuff if I didn't have B to lean on. And I'm very excited to say that in about a month I'll get to see him every single day of my life... wait, excited? Ok, maybe a little bit nervous about how that's going to be, but mostly yes, excited, that we're moving in together!! I've been holding off on sharing the good news because plans kept changing and nothing was final, but I put my notice in the mail to my current landlord and submitted all my paperwork to the new landlord on Sunday. I guess it's official... no turning back now!!
I also tried Enjoy Life trail mix and loved it!
Looking forward to your next post.