So Easy A Caveman Can Do It?
I'm sure you've heard about it, in fact I've probably written about it here before. Some people out there think that we should be eating like the cavemen ate. It's called the Paleo Diet and it's been getting more and more attention. Today I was talking with someone that has had his own share of digestive struggles and he mentioned that this diet has worked for many people with Crohn's. I have heard this too and have considered trying the diet myself many times. Why haven't I done it? Well truthfully, I love bread and sugar. The Paleo Diet is free of grains and added sugar. Basically, it's meat & fish, veggies, fruit, healthy fats and spices. In my head it sounds awesome and I know I'd feel amazing but somehow I just haven't been able to commit to it. You all know how much I love to bake!
Lately however I've been feeling frustrated that I am still having some minor issues like irritations, a little bit of constipation, extremely dry skin, redness and irritation on my face. Things that I feel could be helped with a few changes in diet. Today I had eggs and gf toast for breakfast, a baked potato and brussels sprouts for lunch, gf pasta with meatballs and marinara for dinner and I also made cornbread. I ate a good two or three pieces of the cornbread. All of a sudden this evening the rash became majorly inflamed! I don't know what's causing it, but it's driving me absolutely crazy. So I think I'm going to give this whole caveman diet a shot. Cut my diet down to the very basics. Hope for the best. Anyone else out there eating this way? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
good luck!
If you have sugar cravings, try taking the herbal supplement gymnema sylvestre. My homeopath recommended it to aid in reducing sugar cravings, and it's really worked! Sugar just doesn't have the allure that it used to, and when I do have a little, I find it easier to stop myself after a couple bites...which I have *never* been able to do!
Good luck going paleo!
I've been reading The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain and highly reccommend it!
Jenn I don't really get sugar cravings as long as I'm not actually eating sugary things. When I do eat sugar, the cravings definitely keep coming back but a couple days off the stuff and I'm fine.
Maria I'm so glad you found me! I'm glad there are others out there giving this a try, and thanks for the book recommendation!!
Paleo for autoimmunity does suggest cutting out nightshades as well. I'll have nothing left to eat!!! :)