Med Free... for now.

I got a call last night from The Doc saying that my follow up bloodwork showed another decrease in my WBC count. He said on my voicemail to drop the dose in half and come back next week for another blood draw. Then he called again this morning and told me that he wants me to just stop the meds completely until I see him again in January and to go in for a blood draw in a couple weeks. So I guess I'm getting my wish, at least temporarily, to be med free. So now the question is, what do I do about my diet? Obviously staying dairy free is important and as low sugar as possible, but the big question is, do I go gluten free again? I just went grocery shopping so I have a loaf of bread and english muffins to go through but that's it. I have gf crackers and cereal in the house already. I'll probably finish up the regular stuff this week and just think about it for a few days. But basically, the plan is to eat as clean and healthy as possible. If it works out well and I feel good on January 5th I'm hoping to ask if I can try to stay off the meds for a while longer. The thing is, if I start this new job in January, I don't have time anymore to be running off to BIDMC to get blood work done and go in for docs visits. So I really just hope this works and I stay healthy and can continue this path.


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