Green Monster Fail, Sorbet Success

I've been reading about these Green Monster smoothies for months and everyone just RAVES about them, so I finally set myself up to make one this week. I went with this basic recipe of spinach, a frozen banana, some vanilla almond milk, dry oats (Lara's GF) and water. Individually I enjoy each of these foods, but I have to tell you, blended together... BLECH. Ugh.

Green Monster v.1

Sorry to all you GM fanatics but I just am not a fan. I think the problem was the banana, as many of you know, I'm a newcomber to the banana loving scene and I really only like them when they're still bright yellow. This banana I had frozen because it was very ripe. I might try this again with berries instead because it really is a very healthy snack. But for now, I'm gonna stick with loving THIS Green Monster:

So instead of healthy smoothies, let's talk about the opposite of healthy - Ice cream! There used to be a Cold Stone Creamery near my office but it has since been replaced. Which is awesome because now I'm not tempted to cheat and make myself sick with delicious ice cream. Now in it's place is an independent shop that sells gelato, frozen yogurt, and lucky for me - delicious sorbet! It's called boYo and I love it. I stopped by there yesterday on my way home from work and grabbed a pomegranate sorbet. I love it. Actually it's the only kind I've tried. I should be more adventurous! Maybe next time. Anyway, here's a photo:

boYO Pomegranate Sorbet

I must've been on a sugar kick yesterday because then I went home and had pancakes for dinner, which I will talk about tomorrow. Oh, and did you hear that Starbucks is discontinuing the GF orange valencia cake??! I didn't even get to try it yet!! Maybe tomorrow I'll go see if I can find one around here before they've completely disappeared. Or have they already? Starbucks FAIL!!!


Allie said…
Yum - i'll have to chekc that BoYo place out, in fact, I may wander that way today!

I am SO bummed about the orange valencia cake! WTF... I had it - it was really good, and I was counting on that being available when I needed to grab something quickly :(
Marisa Percy said…
I'm so glad I found your site (through fartygirl)!
We are so the same, I would put myself through two days of pain for some delicious ice cream as well!
I really enjoy reading your blog, keep up the great work!
Jen said…
Thanks Marisa!! Sometimes it's just worth the pain to give into Ben & Jerry ;-)

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